Tuesday, December 21, 2010

last 2 exam papers!!!!!!

06.12.2010 ( last time tak sempat post^^ )
time past so fast! now just left 2 subs of spm papers, 
account and chinese papers.

i don't think i will get flying colour results but sweet chocolate(sai) result ^^ T..T
Now happy coz almost finish exam BUT next year cry till tears also won't left.=.=
1st, addmm > fall aslp!
2nd, physics > pa tu? @@?
3rd, chemistry > y all i study and 
memories din't out!!! arghh!! c tis stupid experiment!! zzzZZ~
wat the?? i can't remember back how the experiment looks like or i could say.. feel like never do before == think till i fall asleep few mins but after wake my brain still blanked 4 it ^^
hmm~ so just tembak! XD

hehehe~ tomolo is holidays!!!! what special day huh?
then wed is bio examination, good things is i nvr take this paper! yeeppy!
thurs account, i think im done.. T.T

k, end of this topic! Lets talk bout 2day!
After school, so excite to went home & msg wif my bi~
the 1st thing i saw is my bi msg!! >
Forget my exam & msg wif him.
hmm~ bad news. my bi sick!!! pengsan while slping.. =<
weird la.. hais.. so scare he wont wake le..
Just now he headache again.. really worry la T^T
Hope he will always stay healthly! 

this my mom bought for me :
bi~ my shirt.. nice? @@


  1. hahahaha XD tudia... if tat ppr came out.. i aso dunu n juz tmbak!!!! piang piang!!! >o<

    na... now fine ady ^v^ heheehe~
    now u pula sick!!!!!!!!! T,T

    :D nice XD heheheheeheheh

  2. u tembak also cn get bttr thn me lo.. T.T

    hehe~ nt serious pun.. wont die~ XD

    nice meh? i wear weird lo.. @@

  3. -,- hahaha.. where gOt,if i tembk gt corrct oni lucky

    >o< en!! mus let me die 1st!

    how i noe my bi~ but nice la

  4. huhuhu~ bi cakap besar.. alwys get gud rsult thn me.. T.T

    shhhh~ diam! cnt say tat! we die 2gthr!!!! >< cnt leave each othr!

    =.= hw u noe bt nice? swt lo... wooo~

  5. -oo- where got.. all my result go down ady

    XD =.= okey!! <3

    i mean u said not nice when wear it... so i said la.. how i noe nice or not when bi wear :P
