Sunday, December 26, 2010


Christmas eve..
i went Penang in the evening wif my family..
We went to Penang hospital to fetch my cousin and visit my sick uncle.
I start to walk to face him and then i saw him..
He so thin.. till i cant recognize him. T..T 
I fast walk to window.. my tears slowly fall down..
i cant face him and walk away from the room to control my feeling.
And again went to c him... he slept. I sit near him and keep look at him. 
Soon he woke when his wife came to him.
I stand beside them.. he doesnt look at me at all..
bit upset but then he ask me help him move a things.. bit happy back i can help him and he show his thumb( good) >< 
before going back i said gud bye to him and he replied me! so happy>
We pass by the place those penang people countdown. T.T 
my aunty said no place to park car so we went appartment through.
12am, i fast phone my bi.. the ringtone heard but then cut off.
i message him and wish him merry christmas. I phone him again... nobody take.. T.T
I dint celebrate christmas that night, just sitting alone at kitchen & message wish people.
Di also celebrate alone.. he sad & moody. *shake hand again*
hais~ if the appartment not so far, he can come find me^^.
Midnight i enjoy talking with my bi~ thx bi~
  The view was so beautiful~


my favourite and the day i have been waiting so long..
should be the day i most excite and happy!
yesterday i doesn't happy. 
I spent my christmas at hospital...
I look at him. that sick body, no energy, talkless, his look,
I think back before he sick.
He was my lovest uncle, he tall & big, very strong, always sembang wif my aunty n uncle, make many delicios food, a pro chef, always drive me & my family to holidays. 
I always help him massage... I always like to step on his foot, beat his big stomach( nt pain) and blazz..
BUT now he just stay in hospital cant do anything.. T^T
i look at him lying on the bed, sometimes wake, sometimes sleep.. 
look at him sitting when he eat/drink things.. but he slowly spit out bit the things he ate.
look at him in suffer but i helpless.. 
I wonder how his daugther and son feel.. o.O
they still enjoy their holidays.. playing and on9 whole days..
somemore they become fatter =.=
next year they both study at high school dy but still like kids. 
I look at my aunty( his wife) busy work gain money and take care her child and husband. 
Pity her.. feel sad for her. i hope my uncle wont so suffer.
At night, my cousin and her fiance just reach.. we dint go shopping.
after dinner went back hospital again..
my aunty sembang wif my cousin bout our uncle and some pics showed he become skinny..
Soon, we went back home. 
The most happy moments was i can celebrated christmas wif my bi although via message.
& thx to my bi's 4 giving me my 1st christmas present.. i wore it whole time! ><
Merry Christmas bi~

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Alor Star Mall + Old pics + Bobo pics+ Us

 Alor Star Mall (watch Tron) >>>

Old Picsss >>>

 Bobo pics >>>
 my new earphone ^^

 the Mango i ate.. =p
bi for u! XD

Us >>>>



my holidays after spm ^^

Finally finished my SPM! fuhh~ 
think time to have fun 1st but my dad keep asking me what i want to study and faster register college! 
Before spm play computer scold me always stay infront the computer, now after spm also scold =.=! i wonder when i can.. after i die kut T.T

Well. he still let me go Penang last friday ^^
that day not really feeling well X.X 
pening/ headache n feel wan to vomit when on the way to penang.
but quite pretty well when reach shopping centre +.+

here some pics ( Queensbay) >>

Barbie show 
but unfortunately was the next day( Saturday)

 Janet bought this ^^

 she belanja me one of them : the music design( strawberry)
bi sad coz i just feed him 1 bite and othrs i ate! XD

 hais~ the treble clef kena the box T.T 

i bought this +.+

 taste not bad ><

 for my bi, snow boy !
lol~ my mom ate its head without my knowing.. T.T
she said wan keep in same boy.. it too long so she ate the head!!!!
huhuhu~ snow boy become cacat! no eye c.. X.X

 After that , we went to Gurney! We watch HARRY POTTER!!!
We faster bought our pop corn and rushed to the room as time already pass....
manatau the iklan release almost 15mins=.=! we should take time! We kept swt each othr! XD

Then we went to take our lunch/dinner.
We round evrywher... lol~
At last, we decided to eat at SEOUL GARDEN!
kinda buffer, we pay then we can eat evrythings in the restauran but if we waste food 1kg have to pay RM5! 
We panggang many times of meat ( no pork) and blazz~~ ><
After eat we walk around for awhile then went back home dy~

Always love my bi~ muacksss~


last 2 exam papers!!!!!!

06.12.2010 ( last time tak sempat post^^ )
time past so fast! now just left 2 subs of spm papers, 
account and chinese papers.

i don't think i will get flying colour results but sweet chocolate(sai) result ^^ T..T
Now happy coz almost finish exam BUT next year cry till tears also won't left.=.=
1st, addmm > fall aslp!
2nd, physics > pa tu? @@?
3rd, chemistry > y all i study and 
memories din't out!!! arghh!! c tis stupid experiment!! zzzZZ~
wat the?? i can't remember back how the experiment looks like or i could say.. feel like never do before == think till i fall asleep few mins but after wake my brain still blanked 4 it ^^
hmm~ so just tembak! XD

hehehe~ tomolo is holidays!!!! what special day huh?
then wed is bio examination, good things is i nvr take this paper! yeeppy!
thurs account, i think im done.. T.T

k, end of this topic! Lets talk bout 2day!
After school, so excite to went home & msg wif my bi~
the 1st thing i saw is my bi msg!! >
Forget my exam & msg wif him.
hmm~ bad news. my bi sick!!! pengsan while slping.. =<
weird la.. hais.. so scare he wont wake le..
Just now he headache again.. really worry la T^T
Hope he will always stay healthly! 

this my mom bought for me :
bi~ my shirt.. nice? @@

Friday, November 26, 2010

silent nitez~

Since just now i was crzying...
nw become no mood..
steam expression...
in a silent room..

my bi dun wan peduli me...
left me when im moody.. 
Keep look at my hp.. 
but nothing..

Just finish bath..
music could be hear inside the toilet..
After bath..
still nobody around me.. exp myself..
the house that only hav the radio sound..

Mom and sis went to relative's kenduri at far..
Dad went to wedding dinner..
me? stay at home , study and prepare for exam..

not bad also la..
living in my world..
study in a silent..
i can watch OH MY LADY 
while msn was on, but was appeared offline..



Thursday, November 25, 2010

Exam week

long time no upload blog dy~
hmm~ this recently busy study 4 my spm exam
i become fatter becoz after eat i study.. sitting or slping~ XD

1st week had passed. I don't think i will get any good result also.. 
 but there's still hav chance to revenge.. 
i need more gambateh!

here's some exam papers.. 

my exam will be continously until 14th Dec.
next weak i will having maths, moral, addmm and physics papers.
can die! esp my addmm n physics!!!!
most not confidence is physics. 
i din't take tuition somemore i din't study exp when exam.. =.=
sungai maut la!!!!! T.T

Last night i studied moral.
i memories the nilai...
i create my own love nilai!!! HAHAHA~

(for giving us a starting of our love stories)





MUAHAHAHAH~~ my special nilai! 
YUI must memories!!!
 while, hope when i exam won't write it on the answer!! =.= 

hope i will get flying colours in next exam!!!! 


Friday, November 12, 2010

Going Thai!

 Well later i wil go Thailand.
Hope the place im going don't have banjir.
Don't missunderstand, im not going for holidays, but for "shang ka seh",
means give mongs new things for them to use.
I wil go till Sunday just bac, sure will miss die my bi~ T.T
I wan control myself not to waste my time to lepak everywhere but concentrate on studies and miss my bi~ =^^=
If got shopping gud la..  I wan buy sneaks +.+
Bi wan? XD
WOW! Wait! i haven pack up my things! ><
Busy transfer pics & songs to my hp , later nitez when alone wan listen!
opps~ bi said dun wan me alone.
Don't worry la bi~ this the place i stay at Thai, a place that ppl sembahyang. ^^ 

i always sit beside >>> there alone when thinking of u and accidentally fall asleep. 
When nitez got lot of mosquitoes bite me! T.T

The house that i sleep.

Just now phone my sis, they ady arrived KL. They going to stay at my aunty's hs. Tmr is my sis's convo. Im not going, hope evrythings is going well. 
After finish convo my 2nd sis going to Singapore while my oldest sis coming bc home i think. XD 
gud luck to me!
bi~ don't forget to misscall me. T.T
i will wait for u!! huhuhu~
If can't misscall me, then nevermind la.
If mine hp can't misscall u, maybe i will try use my cousin or aunty's hp(hotdog no.) misscall u.

miss u!


Thursday, November 11, 2010

=>,<= happiness~

 Today morning i should wake at 6.20am to msg my bi and ask him his headache getting better or not.
Last nitez i so baga la.. y reject his call?
BUT when morning i din't hear my alarm ring..=.=
My hp was just beside my head. hmm~
My mom woke me and asked me weither going to school or not. 
That time ady 6.37am.I just realize ady late.I faster msg him..
Glad he ady recover! fuhh~~ 
12pm i just woke up from bed. Dreamed many things but i cant rmb dy. hehehe~

i started to wait my bi's msg ^^
While waiting 4 him, i watch my favourite anime,
"Nodame Cantabile"
The story is about:
Megumi Noda, is a piano student at Momogaoka College of Music. An extremely talented pianist who wants to be a preschool teacher, she prefers playing by ear rather than reading the music score. She is messy and disorganized, takes baths several days apart and loves to eat, sometimes stealing her friend's lunchbox when it is filled with delicacies.

Shinichi Chiaki is Momogaoka's top student. Born into a musical family, he is talented in piano and violin and has secret ambitions to become a conductor. An arrogant multi-lingual perfectionist who once lived abroad in the music capitals of the world as a young boy (namely Prague), he is trapped in Japan because of his childhood phobia of airplanes and the ocean.

They meet by accident. Nodame quickly falls in love, but it takes much longer for Chiaki to even begin to appreciate Nodame's unusual qualities. Their relationship causes them both to develop and grow. Along the way, they meet some crazy people and make lasting friendships.
Because of Nodame, Chiaki gets the opportunity to lead a student orchestra and begins to have a broader appreciation of people's musical abilities. Because of Chiaki, Nodame faces her fears and enters a piano competition. Opportunities open up as both begin taking risks, stretching themselves far more than they ever thought possible.

After graduation, Nodame succeeds in curing Chiaki from his phobia and they both move to Paris where Nodame continues her piano studies at the Conservatoire de Paris while Chiaki starts a professional career as a conductor. In Europe, they encounter new friends and rivals, as well as keep in touch with their friends from Japan.

I like both character, Nodame and Chiak.
I admire their music talents.. very pro! I also support they be together.
I could see Chiaki change alot after knew Nodame, he also damn love Nodame although she quite lousy(exp her piano), like me XD. But her piano talent is i won't have forever.
I want buy new season after SPM! yeah!

2day was his fren's birthday.They celebrated in their class, my bi was enjoyed with his frenz!
They played lot games like tepung... and got lot of food. 
Pity my bi couldn't eat as his lips hurt. =(
But so happy to see him happy also..made me wan join him also.. huhu~ ^^
My bi~ draw in the party!! ><
Damn happy after c his blog and saw the pic. 
I can't stop smiling and so TOUCHED!
I can feel my heartbeat beating fast. hehe~

I love u too bi~~~ 

 Yin ♥.♥ Yui

I also love u oni!!!
I would like to trust u.
Ti amo

dun wan! coz.....
im ady urs la~
u be mine!!!! hng~ ;p


My crzy mood on.
Before he call me, i saw a thing. It looks like a small rat but when i near it, is a FROG =..= It's leg like a tail. hais~
Then i go communicate wif it. I make frog sound (my mom thought was the frog make the sound =.= ) and keep look/scared it.
Although it doesn't has any reflect action but I saw it's heart beating damn fast! XD

Soon my bi called me Wah~~ my bi voice so cute~ >< 
I bully him~blekkk!!
While my bi waiting 4 me to slp, at same time, he fall asleep.. hahaha~
But actually i ady guess he slpy dy.. juz that he wan to tahan.
So after he slp, i went to copy things from my sis's laptop as 2day she's going to KL for her convo on Saturday (tmr).
After finish convo she will go through Singapore to work. Hais.. 
Going to miss her.. 
between i just rampas a sweater from her and keep say kamsamida/ arigato (tq).
I ask her go to Singapore buy  a new 1. ^^ She dun wan giv but at last she said she borrow me. XD
Yesterday we had alot of fun. I keep disturb her. haha~
 Hope she will has a new better life at there. My 2 sisters was working at there.hmm~ Next year i plan to go find them. yea~!


Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Today was as usual. I went school, study and crazy(more) at school...
But i felt something not right. I duno y... jz felt it. Something strange happen to me. I dun understand i duno why.
Something change maybe.. something make me worry while shouldnt actually.
I felt just something wrong. Duno reason.Maybe my feeling was wrong or the truth haven been told. I just hate this feeling . When can it dissapear?!
The whole day at school keep think bout it.. why it will appear? But i still duno the answer.
Think till half way will suddenly shout. =.=! Scared my frends. XD 
Maybe i try to release somethinng. =X
Enjoy crazying at school.. laugh die me dy. hahaha~
Somemore can let me forget bout this weird feeling.
After school...
i went to see my hp, wonder wad my bi will reply ^^
so happy when see the msg.. 


He sent when he crazying. ><
My bi also put my pic as his hp wallpaper.. =^^=
  I hope nothing change between us
my weird feeling faster get off! hng~!


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

grey turns to colourful~

hahaha~ my addmaths teacher XD

While, when recess time. I went to form 4 floor, to take conteng pic. Then saw my wife, Ying, was in her class. So, i went to find her wif my camera. We were going to take pics 2gthr.

But then i saw my junior.. she was telling something. It keep appear on my mind, can't stop thinking of it.
Why so many things i need to care? I felt so tired, my heart, my eyes n my mind...I care too much. i hope i can switch off myself 4 awhile.. and recover back.

 the conteng wall pic
by me and the f1 gul =,=
she hate me.. T..T

My camera affect can let the view become so beautiful ~.~

me and my wife

with my junior(wifes) =X

my money money money~ =p

 *showing off* 
muahahahaha~ all mine!! 

 Why u both look at me ==llll

 my class =)

 hang buat pa ni? =.=

my fren's bottle~ ^^

 love addmm? XD

like my account teacher 's looks.. XD
when he change to Physics? o.O

But after see his blog, I felt better.I din't feel tired anymore. Coz i know my bi wil only love me~ =^^=

I love u bi~  ♥ 


Monday, November 8, 2010

Black & Grey~ *emo* & *happy*

no talk, no kiss.. shhhhh~
 sad... T.T

What wil happen next?



  thinking quitely. hmmm~

Emo feel..y?
While, before this he break wif me, after we get back 2gthr, i was so afraid to lose him again... keep worry... Worry 1 day he will leave me and tell me that his heart empty again..scare he wil feel boring be wif me. i duno what to do,i felt so helpless.



Thx god, let us be 2gthr. I hope we can always sweet2 n happy being 2gthr.